
Looking for help on your publication journey? I can personally recommend: 

Black Girl Writers is a free mentoring program for Black women who write. They pair Black women with the best in the industry, from bestselling authors to internationally renowned literary agents, and host online workshops throughout the year.


Queery Fest is a volunteer-run mentoring program aimed at helping unpublished writers of LGBTQIA+ fiction, or fiction writers who identify as LGBTQIA+. They aim to provide a safe space for authors to grow their network, improve their manuscript, and gain industry knowledge while working one-on-one with an author with experience in publishing and mentorship.

Codex Writers

In their own words, Codex provides “an opportunity to be inspired by one another’s successes, learn through critiquing and being critiqued by other skilled writers, reach new insights, and sell more of what we write more quickly by sharing information about the business of writing.” Keep an eye on their Twitter for news on their mentorship program for early career authors.

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PubTips is the go-to place for traditional publishing news, professional AMAs with authors, agents, editors, publicists, etc. They offer query critiques, and answer writing and publishing questions with a focus on the traditional publishing market.